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The Friends of Grange Park, Old Coulsdon continue to look at opportunities to enhance our park for the benefit of the community, including funding upkeep of the current playground where public funds from Croydon Council are not available. We are a group of volunteers so any investment we provide for our park is purely from fund raising efforts such as events, donations from our community, successful grant applications, and business sponsors. Should you wish to support us by giving a donation please see below button(s) for our current fund raising campaigns. All donations are very much appreciated.
The playground was originally financed by grants, donations from local businesses and the community and general fundraising.
Although the London Borough of Croydon has responsibility for maintenance, this is becoming increasingly difficult due to their current financial constraints. We do not want our playground to become a sad, neglected place, which is why we are asking for your help once again.
To support any maintenance required to the playground which cannot be funded by Croydon Council please click on below “Donate Now” button which will take you through to our fundraising campaign on the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) site. Thank you for your continued support!